Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

The next morning after Uncle Jeffy Do-Do, Auntie Octavia, and Miss Tiffany came to visit was Christmas. This is a very nice day when My People sit around a pine tree that they’ve placed inside the house. Festive but strange, made even weirder by it’s thick coating of sparkly stuff owing to The Lady’s penchant for all things that glitter. Because it is a special occasion My People didn’t put me in my kitchen playpen and allowed me to run around in this fancy room which is usually off limits. While they open boxes decorated with toys, they hang out in their pajamas in front of the toasty fire eating warm cinnamon rolls and drinking steaming hot tea. I sat on The Lady’s lap while she opened a tiny yet significant little blue box with a shiny necklace inside that she found quite thrilling, and then I bit the little USC hats The Man got for his golf clubs. Every five minutes they asked me if I wanted to go outside, particularly when I found something fun to snuffle in the corners. Some things are very confusing to me… yesterday I was told a firm “No!” when I tried to snitch the ribbons and bows, and today they get out the camera and giggle as they snap my picture. I don’t get it. I did notice an extra stocking hanging by the fire. It is the biggest one, just enormous, and made of hairy grey monster fur. It is so big I could easily fit inside for a nice little nap, with room left over. I think it is for Oliver.

Guess WhatI got presents of my very own! I got the stocking of new toys from Buddy and Fritzy, delivered by Princess Fran. I also got a Gulpy water bottle and a travel bowl, and lots of little blue bags that everyone found funny.

But the best present, the very best in the world, is my new name, for certain.
My name is Harbor. Harbor H. Rogers.

1 comment:

  1. This is my Fav!!! All Tuckered out from Christmas!!! #PHOTO
